Hannah Arendt-the journey to Jerusalem

Boaz Kaizman 2018

The video-work Hannah Arendt – the journey to Jerusalem is designed as an animated documentary. The film-material consists of archive footage and scenes shot in Jerusalem in the late summer of 2015. It was taken in the streets around the house where the mother of Boaz Kaizman grew up. The different material was animated with the help of a specific computer program and visually unified.

Three protagonists appear in this video-work:

Portrait of Hannah Arendt
- Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt was a jewish german-american political theoretician and publicist.
Portrait of Benjamin Murmelstein
- Benjamin Murmelstein
Benjamin Murmelstein was an Austrian rabbi. He was a member of the Judenrat in Vienna. He was also an "Ältester" (council elder) of the Judenrat in the Theresienstadt concentration camp after 1943. He had a direct contact with Adolf Eichmann for 7 years. He was severely criticized and accused by both of the other protagonists: Arendt and Scholem
Portrait of Gershom Scholem
- Gershom Scholem
Gershom Scholem was a Jewish religious historian who published over 500 works in Ivrith (Hebrew), German and English. From 1933 he held a chair in the study of Jewish mysticism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and he is considered to be its rediscoverer. Arendt's book “A Report on the Banality of Evil” was radically rejected by Gershom Scholem in a public controversy. The dialogue in letters between him and Arendt, which had been maintained for more than two decades before, afterwards ends in silence.
Scene from Jerusalem 2015
- Jerusalem 2015
The video material was recorded in late summer 2015. It was taken in the streets around the house where my mother grew up.

- 1961 the trial of the SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann begins in Jerusalem.
- 1963 Hannah Arendt's book: "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" is published.
- 23.06.1963 Gershom Scholem writes an open letter to Hannah Arendt. Which Arendt answers it on 24.07.1963.
- 1963-1964 the correspondence between Hannah Arendt on Arendt's book is published in German (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, october 1963), in English (Encounter, january 1964) and in Hebrew (Davar, january1964). The publication in english language is by far the most widely perceived to date.
- Oct. 28th, 1964. “Hannah Arendt im Gespräch mit Günter Gaus. Zur Person“ - portraits in questions and answers. First broadcast: ARD.

The main objective of my video is to show that these three protagonists, who have been inexorably quarrelling with each other, came from a common culture and grew from the same roots. Their quarrel, which continues up to this day, reflects an epoch, a culture that has been extinguished. An epoch, a culture whose refugees Hannah Arendt, Gershom Scholem and Benjamin Murmelstein were. They all continued to maintain this culture in “exile”.

Jerusalem Scholem Murmelstein Arendt

Boaz Kaizman, Hannah Arendt - The Journey to Jerusalem, 2018. Video, HD, Color, Sound, 21:00 min.

Hannah Arendt - The Journey to Jerusalem, 2018

The video shows footage of Jerusalem montaged with excerpts from interviews and letters by philosopher Hannah Arendt, historian of religion Gershom Scholem, and Rabbi Benjamin Murmelstein. The latter was the last "Judenälteste" in the Theresienstadt ghetto and concentration camp after he was deported there in 1943. Arendt became known through her book Eichmann in Jerusalem, whose thesis of the banality of evil Scholem flatly rejected. Murmelstein’s role as "Judenälteste" was sharply criticized by both Arendt and Scholem. In the video, Jerusalem becomes the fictional location and “stage set” for a historical argument between Arendt, Scholem, and Murmelstein about the relationship between coercion, morality, and guilt in the Shoah—the extermination of European Jews under National Socialism. Boaz Kaizman invites visitors to reflect on this relationship using hard cuts to combine found material, which is then digitally edited in such a way that it appears abstract or defamiliarized. According to Kaizman, the drama is “seen from here, from Germany.” Thus the artwork looks back at the viewer from the place of this fictional encounter. In this way, its gaze is focused directly on “here,” on Germany.

On the Value of Time, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, 2023

- 2023 On the Value of Time, Museum Ludwig, Cologne website
Reclaim Artistic Freedom, Podewils Palace, Berlin website

- 2020 The video work Hannah Arendt - The Journey to Jerusalem was purchased by the Museum Ludwig in Cologne and is now part of the permanent collection. Dr. Yilmaz Dziewior, Director, Dr. Barbara Engelbach, Curator, Collection of Contemporary Art, Photography, and Media Art website
Yearbook for European Jewish Literature Studies Article Title: Hannah Arendt – The Journey to Jerusalem, Thoughts on the Video Work website

- 2019 Hannah Arendt - The Journey to Jerusalem Artist talk at the Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster, Aachen, hosted by Dr. Marcel Schumacher, Head of Museum
Hannah Arendt - The Journey to Jerusalem Presentation of the work, led by Prof. Amir Eshel, Edward Clark Crossett Professor of Humanistic Studies, Department of German Studies, Department of Comparative Literature, Stanford University, CA

- 2018 Hannah Arendt - The Journey to Jerusalem Presentation and debate at the University of Antwerp, Prof. Dr. Vivian Liska, Institute of Jewish Studies Antwerp, Belgium website
Hannah Arendt - The Journey to Jerusalem Presentation and debate at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Department of Media, Düsseldorf
Office Complex – The Art of the Artothek in the Political Sphere Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster, Aachen website
Text and Image in Jewish Literature International Conference at ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. Andreas Kilcher, Professor for Literature and Cultural Studies, ETH Zurich website
Hannah Arendt - The Journey to Jerusalem Presentation of the video work and conversation with the curator Sergio Edelzstein, Prof. Dr. Dorothee Richter, Professor of Contemporary Curating, Zurich University of the Arts